Publications & Presentations
- Yale Center for British Art, June 2019
- Tsinghua University, Beijing, December 2018
- Asia Society, New York, May 2018
- IIIF Conference, The Vatican June 2017
- Yale Digital Conference, March 2017
- Yale Center Beijing, May 2016
- University of Chicago, March 2016
- Harvard University, March 2016
- University of California, Berkeley, October 2015
- Yale University, February 2015
- Newark Museum of Art, May 2013
- Rubin Museum of Art, November 2012
Quintman, Andrew and Kurtis Schaeffer. 2016. “The Life of the Buddha at Rtag brtan Phun tshogs gling Monastery in Text, Image, and Institution: A Preliminary Overview.” Journal of Tibetology 13: 32–73.
Quintman, Andrew. 2017. “Putting the Buddha to Work: Śākyamuni in the Service of Monastic Identity.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 40: 111–156.
Quintman, Andrew and Kurtis Schaeffer. “Synthesizing Image and Text in the Life of the Buddha” in Introduction to Digital Humanities: Research Methods in the Study of Religion, edited by Christopher D. Cantwell and Kristian Peterson. Berlin: DeGruyter. Forthcoming.
We also plan a full-length monograph covering (1) a history of Jonang Phuntsokling Monastery and its founder Tāranātha; (2) a detailed description and analysis of the murals; (3) a history of the design and production of the murals; (4) a translation and study of The Sun of Faith together with related works by Tāranātha.